Are You Motivated By Money Or Driven By Ambition?

Money and ambition are both powerful motivators that drive people towards achieving more or having greater success.Some workers might just be pleased to have a job, any job, and only want to keep on working, but the majority of people need some sort of motivation to work harder, be more efficient and make progress.

People who are motivated by money tend to want a better lifestyle for themselves and their loved ones.They work hard so they can eventually enjoy all the benefits that wealth can bring.Money is a good motivation for anyone starting a new business or entering a highly paid profession.Being motivated by money will mean they are willing to work hard, put in longer hours and find ways to be more efficient.

Ambitious people are more concerned about their personal achievements, or their status within a profession.They feel a strong need to be the best, dnd hope to gain some sort of recognition.

Ambitious people are likely to be highly competitive and want to do better than their rivals or competitors.Getting to the top, or being known to be the best, is what drives them on in their career.

Setting goals to make more money

Anyone in employment who is motivated by money should set goals that will allow progression and advancement in a profession or business career.A goal could be set, for example, to be selected for a higher paid post within the next twelve months.

Business people who are motivated by money can set themselves targets related to income and personal wealth.A target could be set to own a dream home in ten year's time, or to have enough money saved up for an early retirement.

Setting goals to drive ambition

Goals set by an ambitious person should relate to status.For example, the main aim might be to become a chief executive by a certain age.An ambitious person want to be known for performing better than anyone else, and should aim at getting the best possible results each month, or on an annual basis.

Money motivated people can be ambitious and ambitious people might want to make a lot of money, but is is also true that some ambitious people have no interest in becoming wealthy, and some money motivated people have no other ambition than to become wealthy.

It does not matter whether you feel more motivated by money or if you are more driven by ambition.The most important thing is to have the drive or motivation to succeed.Without it there is much less chance of making progress. 

Article Written by Ruth Belena

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